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My Recordings for 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I have been busy in the studio. I try to record every one of my live shows plus whatever sessions I do here in my studio. Though I do not perform that much in public these days, I do manage to play several interesting public concerts and events as well as private parties. So, I may have up to a dozen album-length recordings in a given year. My task for the past couple of months has been to catalog as much of these recordings as possible and file the music into as many formats as I can--especially CD, because that is pretty much the only way I listen to music. My plan is to eventually have much of these recordings for sale either on-line or via mail. Hopefully, there will be people interested in them. My main goal is to simply get them out and placed elsewhere besides being stranded forgotten on my computer, tapes, and studio files. I will post more in the future as to my progress. I wish you all a very healthy, productive, and satisfying year.

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